Functions summary
acceptMissionSOS |
Accept an SOS mission to be added to passengers in ship cargo bay. A new type and mission description can be added based on acceptance conditions. |
actionPoints |
Add/Decrease user action points. if ($points<0) decrease. Also adds a log entry [$descr] |
activateBox |
Activate and popup a modal window using Javascript |
addCargo |
Add cargo to a ship. |
BadFilter |
Run a pgrase trough a bad words filter defined in words.php |
badWords |
Check a string for bad words. Return string with *** in it. |
between |
Check if number $n is between number $a and $b |
calcOfficerTime |
Reduce timer by officer skill. |
calcUnitFatigue |
cancelManufactureTask |
Cancel a ship manufacturing task. |
capturePrisoners |
check_name |
Add slashes and convert HTML into string |
checkCargoBayIntegrity |
Check the cargo bay integrity of a ship. |
checkCargoLoad |
Check a ship or station cargo bay integrity to see if it is over the max. |
checkFleetSlot |
Check if a slot can be installed on a ship |
checkHangarIntegrity |
Check the integrity of a hangar bay on a ship. |
checkHangarLoad |
Check a ship's hangar bay integrity |
checkIfEarthOrbit |
checkKickVIP |
Check if user can be kicked from the corporation. |
checkPermission |
Check the permission of the user. |
checkPlanetSlot |
Check if a module slot can exist or not depending on planet level |
checkReferer |
checkStationSlot |
Check if a module can be installed on a station slot |
clearSEATasks |
Clear all SEA steps for active user. |
cloningFacilityUnLoad |
Unload a cloning facility module. |
combatInitiative |
Determine who goes first depending on the combat speeds |
commandMiningFacility |
Change production on a mining / harvesting facility on a planet. |
commandProspectFacility |
Change production on a prospecting facility on a planet. |
compSEAstep |
Set a Space Exploration Academy step to DONE for user session. |
corporationLog |
Add a corporation log string |
crematoriumLoad |
Load a crematorium module with personnel. |
crematoriumUnLoad |
Unload a crematorium module type. |
damageUnit |
Damage a unit in battle. |
deliverManufactureTask |
Deliver a completed manufacturing task to ship cargo bay. |
delNavData |
Remove nav computer database entry. |
delShip |
Destroy a ship completely. |
delStation |
Destroy a station completely. |
deployFortressToPlanet |
Deploy a fortress module on a planet. |
deployPlanetModule |
Deploy a module to a planet |
destroyModule |
Destroy a module completely. |
dockHangar |
Action, dock a ship to another ship's hangar bay |
encode |
escapeJavaScriptText |
JS helper function. |
exploredQuadrant |
Check if a Quadrant is explored or not. |
extrage1 |
Extract a field value from a table |
fuelShipOpt |
fuelShipOpt2 |
gainGrHPD |
gainSolars |
Add some Solars to a user. Also adds log entry. |
generateNPCShip |
Generate and NPC ship at a star and planet / moon coordinates |
generateNPCStation |
Generate and NPC station |
get_polar |
get_polarStarMap |
getAlert |
Bootstrap alert html. |
getAngleDegreeAtoB |
Angle for point A to B |
getAvailableFuel |
Return fleet_cargo ID and amount_m3 |
getAxisCoords |
getAxisPoints |
Get all rectangle points on an x,y axis, given upper left points and grid size |
getCardinalByDegree |
Return the cardinal point the degree is pointing towards. e.g. "E" for east |
getCargoBay |
Return total cargo bay space on a ship |
getCirclePoints |
getClusterQuadsMatrix |
Return an array with the cluster quadrants |
getCoordinatesByVector |
Get target X,Y coordinates |
getDistance |
Distance from point A to B |
getDistanceAU |
Astronomical Units distance from point A to B |
getDonAmount |
Get total donation amount in the last 30 days |
getDonFileName |
getFortressStats |
Planetary fortress stats data. |
getGasMining |
Get gas mining production data |
getGrNewMemCost |
getGrNewSrvCost |
getGroupTax |
Deduct corporation tax rate. |
getHangarBay |
Total size of a ship's hangar bay. |
getImageCoords |
Get X,Y coordinates within an image |
getJumpRange |
Get light years jump range of a ship. |
getLastInsertID |
Utility function get LAST_INSERT_ID() |
getLYDistance |
Light Years distance from point A to B |
getMarinesDamage |
getMessage |
Get a formatted message string. |
getMinMining |
Get mining facility production data |
getMisImage |
Get a random person image |
getModPower |
Return the module power modified by module level. |
getModTime |
Return how old in seconds is a file, by file pointer |
getModTypeSQL |
Return module categy type for SQL usage. |
getNPCShipSize |
Used for generation of ships. |
getNPCShipTalk |
Return NPC html ship talk button. |
getObjectsInQuad |
GEt all objects of type from a quadrant. |
getOfficer |
Check if the user has an officer. |
getOnline |
Get online status of a user |
getOutpostMod |
Returns mod values for quantities and power of the outpost |
getPlanetHiddenInfo |
Get planet hidden gas / mineral data information. |
getPlanetLevel |
Get an absolute planet level |
getPlanetModulePos |
Get an empty planet slot to install a module |
getPlanetSlots |
Get possible planet slots |
getPledgeAmount |
Get all the pledges dollar value in the last 30 days |
getQPForm |
Get the QP / AP html form |
getQuadX |
Get the quadrant X coordinate from absolute X |
getQuadY |
Get the quadrant Y coordinate from absolute Y |
getRandAlienModule |
Get a random alien module. |
getRandomCoordinates |
Generate random basic coordinates in a default quadrant. Used when spawning a star / event within a quadrant. |
getRangeCoords |
Range used for ship navigation computer. |
getRealCoords |
Get absolute coordinates from local coordinates |
getRectCenter |
Get the center x,y of a rectangle. |
getShipHangarSize |
Calculate the total ship size in m3 while docked in a hangar bay |
getShipLRCourse |
Get long range course day for a ship. |
getShipModulePos |
Get an empty ship slot to install a module |
getShipOpt |
Get optimization details data. |
getShipSlots |
Return the possible slots on a ship by level |
getSimpleCoords |
Get local coordinates from absolute coordinates |
getStarMaxWidth |
getStarsInRange |
Get all the stars in range of an ellipse with $scanRange Light Years radius. |
getStarTypeStr |
Get a star type / name |
getStationModulePos |
Get an empty station slot to install a module |
getStationSlots |
Returns an array with possible slots on a station |
getStatPower |
Get a module stats / power |
getStCargoBay |
Return total cargo bay space on a station |
getStUsedCargoBay |
Return used cargo bay space on a station |
getTargetHit |
getTargetPlanetDetails |
Returns the details of a planet at a certain star. If the planet is a moon, it also return the parent planet ID and name. |
getTimeLeft |
Return time left from now to end. e.g. 50h 25m 10s |
getUnitStats |
Return a unit stats and installed modules array |
getUnitWeapons |
getUnusedAP |
Get user remaining Action Points |
getUnusedQP |
Get user remaining Quantum Points |
getUsedCargoBay |
Return used cargo bay space on a ship |
getUsedHangarBay |
Total used hangar bay of a mothership |
getUtilPower |
Get a module utility power |
getWeaponDamage |
instModule |
Install a module on a ship for the active user session. Only use when spawning a new ship with modules for a user. |
instShipModule |
Install a module on a ship. |
instStationModule |
Install a module on a station. |
isAlienStructure |
Check if module is alien in type. |
isLeader |
If a user is the leader of a corporation. |
isRangedWeapon |
Check if module type is a ranged weapon. |
keygen |
Generate a random key |
loadFortressToCargoBay |
Load a fortress module from planet to a ship or station. |
LoadGif |
Load a GIF and return the image resource |
LoadJpeg |
Load a JPG and return the image resource |
LoadPNG |
Load a PNG and return the image resource |
logCargo |
Add a cargo log entry to a ship / station ID = $sourceID |
logCargoDetails |
Add cargo details based on a cargo log ID. |
LogError |
Log any game errors to daemon/soerrors.log |
logMessageX |
Write a log string to a global $file pointer |
makeLink |
Create an HTML link from a string |
MakePages |
HTML pagination |
MakeReducedPages |
HTML pagination |
managePersonnel |
Manage personnel. |
navShipOpt |
Reduce time left to based on active user ship optimization. |
navShipOpt2 |
Reduce time left to based on optimization ID / mark. |
pledgeLog |
Add a pledge log string |
projectLongRangeCourse |
Project a long range course and return course data array. |
q |
Execute a direct querry on the database |
quantPoints |
Add / Decrease quantum points for a user. If($points<0) decrease. Also adds a log entry [$descr] |
redirect |
Redirect to specified page |
regenMap |
Refresh the temporary star navigation view map from the session |
regenSysMap |
Refresh the temporary system view map from the session |
removePlanetModule |
Remove a module from a planet |
romanNumerals |
Get roman numeral string |
saveNewLRCourse |
Set / save the long range course projection. |
SEA_Check |
Check if the user has started the SEA course yet. |
sellPlanetModule |
Sell a module that is deployed on a planet. |
sellShipModule |
Sell a module that is installed on a ship. |
settingModuleDisable |
Set a module as disabled. |
showShipHTML |
HTML of units on left and right of battle screen. |
showUseQP |
User Action Points HTML helper. |
stationChangeModPos |
stationInstallModule |
Install a module from station cargo bay |
stationMoveToCargo |
moves a station module to cargo bay. |
stripQuotes |
systemTravel |
Return false if no engines, else return data for interplanetary jump. |
timeLeft |
Return time string. e.g. 50h 25m 10s |
timeLeftDays |
Return time string. e.g. 3d 20h 25m |
timeLeftDaysH |
Return time string. e.g. 3d 20h |
undockHangar |
Action: Undock a ship from another ship's hangar bay. |
unitLockingText |
unloadMiningShip |
Unload mining / gas production to a ship cargo bay. Can also loot another player's module. |
unloadMiningStation |
Unload mining / gas production to a station cargo bay. Can also loot another player's module. |
up_add |
Update a value from a table by adding |
up_add2 |
Update a value from a table by adding with two conditions |
up_desc |
Update a value from a table by substracting |
up_desc2 |
Update a value from a table by substracting with two conditions |
upChildShipVol |
Update ship volume space, if ship is docked inside a mothership |
updateNavStar |
Add / Update nav computer database entry. |
updateNavStarAstral |
Update nav computer astral data. |
updateNavSysOrbSt |
Update nav combute orbital data. |
updateNavSysPlMod |
Update nav computer system data. |
updateNavSysSurvey |
Update navigation computer survey data. |
upPlanetsMods |
Update user planetary modules count |
useGrHPD |
useSolars |
Spend some Solars from a user. Also adds log entry. |
usleep_win |
Usleep function for Windows |
validateString |
Validate a string / prepare it for use in SQL |
vipNavComp |
Reduce time left to calculation for VIP members. |
vipNavComp2 |
Reduce time left to calculation for VIP members. |
WHDetector |
Add wormhole detection / logs data. |
wormHoleTravel |
Return false if no engines, else return wormhole data for interstellar jump. |